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Health Surveillance Spirometry (Lung Function) Testing

Spirometry detects the early indications of lung damage and respiratory diseases and is carried out in order to comply with COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, 2002).

Using chemicals or other hazardous substances at work if not managed properly can be dangerous to an employee’s health, so the law requires employers to control and measure exposure to prevent ill health from occurring.


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Health Surveillance Spirometry (Lung Function)

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, require employers to control exposures to hazardous substances to protect employees’ health. Employers must assess the exposure (exposure means taking in chemicals by breathing in, by skin contact or by swallowing) and the risk that this exposure would cause undue health effects.

COSHH requires you to consider the substitution of harmful products with less harmful ones. If this is not possible then you must use adequate control measures.

COSHH requires that all controls be kept in good working order, including;

Mechanical controls e.g. local exhaust ventilation, protective gloves
Administrative controls e.g. supervision
Operator controls e.g. following instructions

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Our other Services:

Workplace Testing
& Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Occupational Health Services & Support

LATUS empowers businesses to think about improving employee health at work, not preserving it. We believe that the best businesses put employee well-being and health first.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Fitness For Work Health Assessments

Ensuring that your team’s working environment is free from any health and safety risks should be a top priority for business owners and managers alike.


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